About the Reflective Framework

This anti-bullying policy reflective framework was developed by Dr. Seline Keating. It is in line with current research, her own teaching experience and feedback from a pilot study. Nuts+Bolts aims to assist schools in the yearly evaluation of their anti-bullying policy, as outlined in Circular 0045/2013 and Anti-Bullying Policy Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools (2013). This framework may also enhance a primary school’s capacity to meet the School Self-Evaluation (SSE) requirements, and most recently Circular 0032/2021 which outlines the Inspectorate’s 2022 focus on a school’s compliance with the recommended anti-bullying measures.


Enhance a school’s capacity to fulfil the oversight management arrangements of their anti-bullying policy

Adopt a whole-school staff approach to policy evaluation (school management; teaching staff; SNAs; ancillary staff)

Identify elements where the school is succeeding

Identify elements where the school is struggling

Create an Action Plan for improvement from the Nuts+Bolts

Reflect on and evaluate the implementation of this Action Plan for 12 months

Sign up to the Reflective Framework

The Reflective Framework is available in two formats: pdf and online survey format. To gain access to both, please register below.

Contact me at seline.keating@dcu.ie for any other queries about Nuts+Bolts.